
Flood maps for Bangladesh from 2001-2022

Weekly flood maps at 500m spatial resolution, with each pixel representing the fraciton of that pixel that is inundated, in .tiff for the entire country from 2001-2022, fusing MODIS and Sentinel-1 obserevations hosted by CyVerse. Code to reproduce the algorithm or entire database are at this github repository and methods and results described in this this paper .

The Global Flood Database

913 flood maps, and .csvs of population exposure metrics for each event are available for view and download at Cloud to Street's website, and in the Google Earth Engine Catalog. Code to reproduce the MODIS algorithm or entire database, data for each country, and all underlying data and scripts to make all figures in the paper are at this github repository.

Mexico City

Data from my dissertation in Mexico City, including urbanization maps, electoral data, zoning changes, and land titling of informal settlments is freely available for download in Spanish from UNAM and in English from ASU.

Data from the Oxfam-Isla Urbana Rainwater Harvesting Project can be made available upon request. These data include water scarcity metrics for every neighborhood in Mexico City, estimates of rainwater harvesting, use, and demand, and the roof area available for rainwater capture.

Flood Maps for Deep Learning

A dataset produced by Cloud to Street to train and test deep learning models for Sentinel-1 and 2 (Sen1Floods11) is freely available for download from The Cloud to Street Github.

Social Vulnerability to Death and Damage to Floods in the USA

Social Vulnerability model prediction data for 500 year riverine floods in the USA for counties in the USA based on the 2010 census. These data include variables from the census, impervious surface from the NLCD, and population described in the paper Using Disaster Outcomes to Validate Components of Social Vulnerability to Floods: Flood Deaths and Property Damage across the USA, with DOI: 10.3390/su12156006 .